Saturday, December 17, 2011

Easy Chocolate Dipped Christmas Treats

Need a last minute Christmas treat to bring along to a party?  Or feel like you really *should* be doing some Christmas "baking" but burn everything your fingers touch?  Here's a great solution for you!
Last Christmas, I was putting together a tray of goodies for a Christmas Movie watching party that I was hosting and I needed another treat to complete the look.  I had Oreos in my cupboard and I had chocolate in my cupboard, so I melted down a cup of chocolate chips in a double boiler on the stove, and then dipped my oreos in it!  I had some decorating sugar and mini chocolate chips in my baking stash, so I sprinkled some of those on to complete the look. 

This year, I bought Golden Oreos so that they would contrast the look nicely.  I also bought white chocolate because President's Choice has new Candy Cane chocolate sandwich cookies that I wanted to use, but alas, the store I was at was all sold out.  So, I settled for just dipping the Golden Oreos in Semi-sweet chocolate, and sprinkling decorating sugar, peanuts, and mini chocolate chips on them.
I had some leftover melted chocolate and didn't want to waste it, so I speared some marshmallows with straight pretzels, spread some peanut butter on the bottom of the marshmallow, and then dipped it half way in the chocolate.  Tasty.  Ridiculously easy.  And impressive looking. 
Happy dipping!

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