Thursday, December 22, 2011


Our boys have been desperately waiting for the snow to arrive, and it still hasn't come.  We have tried our best to welcome it, by making snowflakes, a snowman fridge, and getting out the shovels at the first sign of any flakes.  But still, our yard is bare, and the boys are waiting. 

Today my 4-year old asked if we could make some snow to drive in.  I remembered once when I was cleaning out my food processor with a bit of water and soap, we got this great foam which they loved!  So we made a few more batches of "snow" today and got out all the trucks, snowplows, tractors and excavators. 

All we did was combine about 1/3 cup of water with a few squirts of dish soap in the food processor.  Process for a few minutes until the foam appears.  The longer you let it go, the fuller and firmer the foam is.

Just like real snow, though, this doesn't last forever, and you are left with wet puddles.  On the bright side, all the cars got a great car wash, as did my cookie trays!


  1. I love that! Great that it happened on accident too! Glad you thought to play with it and share with us!

  2. Very clever idea. Why to think outside the box. I bet he had a blast. Jodi @

  3. Replies
    1. Aw - hope they enjoy! Our boys still love it!!
