Friday, January 13, 2012

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Mug Cake

I love mug cakes.  It's probably because I live with a man who would rather have a second steak than a good dessert.  Thus, I rarely make dessert.  Sometimes, however, it's nice to have a little something in the evening - and when it takes less than 5 minutes to prepare and less than 2 minutes to bake, as is the case with the typical mug cake, there's no excuse!
Tonight I came across a delightful site that has featured 10 different mug cakes, and I chose the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Mug Cake.  Mmmm.

It was, indeed, quick and easy to prepare.  I added a dollop of vanilla ice cream and a wee bit of fudge sauce and within 5 minutes of getting up to make my dessert, I was sitting down ready to enjoy. 

The result - for the amount of time it takes to put it together, it's super tasty.  It certainly tastes like freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, but it has a funny texture.  Also, it makes a pretty large serving and I left the last 1/4 in the mug, sadly uneaten.  I'd for sure make it again, but I'm also very excited to try the other 9 creations!

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