Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Helpful Hints for Calming Aching, Swollen Throats

 JvO  Wow.  It's been a few months since I've posted!  In the meantime, I finished work, had a baby, had several colds, mastitis, and the flu.  The sore throat that I experienced seems to be making its way around again, based on the statuses I've seen on facebook!  After all, 'tis the season!

I thought I'd jot down some of the many suggestions that I've had / seen - if you have a great home remedy that soothes your throat, please share in the comment section!  We love learning new remedies!  There are several variations on the same theme - lemon + honey - I intend on trying them out next time to see if any are more effective than the rest! Some of these ideas may just sooth, some may contribute to the healing process.
  1. I'll start with my go-to, when I'm not pregnant or nursing:  fill a large travel mug (keeps it warm longer!) 3/4 full with boiling water.  Add about 2 Tbsp lemon juice, 2 Tbsp honey (local, if you have it!), and 1-2 Tbsp brandy or whiskey.  Drop in a cinnamon stick.  Stir, and sip slowly.  
  2. Gargle with warm salt water.
  3. Add 2 drops of Oil of Oregano to a glass of salt water, and gargle (not recommended for pregnant women).  
  4. Apply 2 drops of Oil of Oregano under your tongue until throat is better (not recommended for pregnant women).
  5. Fill a medium pot with water.  Add the slices of 1 lemon to the water, as well as some ginger root.  Bring to a boil, let simmer for 10-15 min.  Add honey to taste.
  6. Suck on something salty - like chips or pretzels.
  7. Drink low sugar, high carbonation drinks - like club soda or diet gingerale.
  8. Drink ice water.
  9. Boiled water, lemon, honey, and cloves.  The cloves have a numbing effect.
  10. Put some slices of ginger and lemon into a glass jar.  Add honey until the ginger and lemon slices are covered, and place in the fridge.  Over 24-48 hours, this will form a jelly which you can spoon into hot water. 
  11. Someone once suggested to me that marshmallows sooth a sore throat - at the very least, it's a tasty treat that would hurt to swallow!
  12. Garlic tea - boil 3-5 cloves in a few cups of water, and add lemon juice and honey to taste.
Some Notes:
Hot Water soothes and reduces swelling.
Lemon cuts through mucus and kills bacteria
Honey coats and soothes the throat
Oil of Oregano is an anti-inflammatory that  also fights viruses, bacteria, and yeast, all of which can contribute to a sore throat. (See more on Oil of Oregano here)
Garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties
Alcohol relaxes blood vessels and reduces inflammation - but too much can dehydrate or cause a poor night's sleep!  (Read more here) 
Cinnamon counteracts congestion, which often accompanies a sore throat


  1. What I read about (and try to do) is gargle with salt water a few times a day at the first sign of a sore throat. The salt kills any bad bacteria there.

  2. I found this to be helpful:
    "Gargle with *
    1.*Cayenne Pepper: Mix 1/8th of a tsp of cayenne pepper with 1/2 cup warm water.
    2.*Salt: Add 1 tsp of table salt to a cupful of warm water.
    3.*Apple Cider Vinegar: Mix 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar with a cup of warm water.
    4.Ginger: Make a strong brew with freshly grated ginger (about 3 tsp per cup of boiling water), steep for about 5 minutes then stir in a spoonful of honey and sip.
    5.*Thyme: Brew 1 tablespoon dried thyme in 1 cup boiling water. Strain before using.
    6.Honey & Lemon: Mix two tsp honey and 1 tsp lemon juice with one cup of boiling hot water. Allow to cool a bit then drink.
    7.Licorice Root: Make a brew with licorice roots (one or two pieces per cup) and sip. You can also brew licorice tea bags or chew on a piece of licorice root to help relieve the pain. Licorice root can affect blood pressure if too much is consumed, not recommended for those who are pregnant or have high blood pressure.
    8.Cloves: Slowly chew on a few cloves.
    9.Green Tea: Sipping a cup of this can help, but gargling with it is also recommended since it naturally fights infections. See this page for more info on its health benefits.
    10.*Baking Soda & Salt: Mix 1/2 tsp of each baking soda and salt with a 1/2 cup of warm water.
    11.Chamomile: Best to start sipping this tea as soon as you feel one coming on.
    12.Hydrogen Peroxide: Gargle 3% hydrogen peroxide to fight the infection. If the taste is too much for you, dilute with some water first (about 50/50).
