Sunday, December 29, 2013

Creative Easy Cake Decorating

Easy cake decorating with melted Chocolate! Works for birthdays, Christmas, anniversary, etc!
I came across this idea early on in my Pinterest days but forgot about it until this week. And, like way too many good pins that I see, I thought, "Hey, that's a great idea!" and promptly failed to actually pin it.

This past week, my family all came to town and we celebrated Christmas together, as well as a few of the cousins' birthdays! I made this carrot cake (which was a HUGE hit) along with this cream cheese icing, and I didn't want to fuss with colouring icing and tracing out letters and all of that - so I came back to this idea.
Easy cake decorating with melted Chocolate! Works for birthdays, Christmas, anniversary, etc!
Tape a piece of wax paper onto a cutting board. Melt about a cup of chocolate chips in a double broiler, and let cool for a few minutes.
Easy cake decorating with melted Chocolate! Works for birthdays, Christmas, anniversary, etc!
Fold the top of a small ziplock over a glass, and pour in the melted chocolate.
Easy cake decorating with melted Chocolate! Works for birthdays, Christmas, anniversary, etc!
Snip a very small hole in the corner of the bag and make as many decorations as you need or want to for the cake. Experiment with shapes, letterings, whatever - only put on the cake the decorations that you like!
Merry Christmas from all of our family! (Note the destruction from #IceStorm2013 in the background...)

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