Sunday, January 5, 2014

30-Day Fitness Challenge

So here we are in January, the time for resolutions and making changes.  I find it difficult to make resolutions that actually last for the year, so I love the idea of a challenge - with a start and end date, and a clear goal.  30 days, one month, of making good choices, and gradually building strength through various fitness challenges.  At the end of the month, you can be proud of what you've accomplished, and can commit to increasing your activity throughout the year.
Rather than starting on New Year's day, I've decided to start this on Monday - that way we can still finish off the holidays without worrying about what to do or eat.  Monday is a fresh start for school, work, and also for this new year.  So please join us in this 30 Day Fitness Challenge!

I've combined various fitness challenges all into one, which includes squats, crunches, water-drinking, pushups, and plank.  I have a printable page which is incredibly helpful.  Please email me for a copy of it to check off every day.  (If you email me, please leave me a comment here, telling me that you have emailed, so I can be sure to get it to you.)

Here are a few tips on performing each of these exercises safely. 

This tutorial from the Huffington Post is very helpful for squats.

Here's a quick video on the proper way to do crunches - please check it out before doing it.  And if you have recently had a baby and you're having a tough time trying to get rid of your baby belly, you may suffer from diastasis - please check out this link from for more information and different exercises to follow.

This link here from shows how to do the perfect pushup.  You don't need to do full pushups - you can start with ones against the wall, or the "girl pushups" on your knees, just make sure that you are challenging yourself!

I've never tried planks before.   The goal is to hold yourself steady in the plank position for a certain amount of time.  It works so many different muscles in your body.  When using a stopwatch to time, try not to watch it the entire time, and put some music on to distract you. Here's a helpful link to the proper ways to do the plank.

I find it works best to do a lot of these first thing in the morning.  If you need to break it up into two or three sessions, go ahead.  Again, email me if you'd like the printable page.  Here's the first week's activities.

Week 1
                     Squats     Crunches    Water      Pushups     Plank
Monday        20            20                      8 glasses       5                20 sec           

Tuesday        25            25                      8                   5                20

Wednesday  30            30                       8                   5                30

Thursday      35            rest                     8                  7                30

Friday          40            35                       8                  10               40

Saturday      45            40                       8                  10               rest

Sunday        50            45                       8                  10               45

Please note: we are not medical professionals and don't make any claims for anything.  We are doing this for a fun challenge.  Please consult your doctor before starting any new fitness programs.


  1. I've sent an email asking for the chart. Thanks - this is awesome!

  2. This looks awesome! Emailed you!

  3. I like the idea of a 30-day challenge, it does seem more attainable that a resolution. It's the 8 glasses of water that's a real challenge for me!

    1. The water is tricky, isn't it?! But SO important!

  4. I'm doing a bunch of different challenges myself, so I'm with you there! All the best in 2014!

    1. You too! Thanks for stopping by, and good luck with your challenges!

  5. Hi! Please send me the chart. Thanks! I'll send an email.

    1. Done! Hope you got it! Good luck with the challenge!

  6. Hi Marya,
    I am accepting your challenge - Steve and I did it together as a break during our evening of sitting and doing paper work.
    Can you send me an email of the chart!
    And a happy new year to you!

    1. Hey Katrina! I've sent it to your Facebook account - let me know if you got it! Good luck, and Happy New Year to you too!
