Friday, January 3, 2014

Olympic Snacking & Giveaway #ProudToBeCDN

With the upcoming Winter Olympics, the excitement in our house is building.  Sliding on the ice has become "speed-skating". Mini-hockey games in the basement have become full-out Olympic events. Sledding down our hill has become "bobsled."

We are so excited to cheer on Team Canada as they compete in Sochi.  We're also looking forward to learning about other countries, and cheering on the underdog.  We've gone through our clothes and found all the red & white and Team Canada clothing.

I thought it might be fun to learn a little more about the Olympic symbol - the five interlocking rings (blue, yellow, black, green and red), designed in 1912.  The six colours, including the white background, represent colours from the flags of all of the countries.  The five rings represent five continents of the world coming together.

Along with our Olympic excitement, we're also looking forward to eating a little healthier this year.  So we decided to make a little Olympic snack, which involves colour-matching, learning about the Olympic rings, and healthy eating.

I took some large pieces of paper and traced 5 large circles around cups, then made smaller circles inside.  I went over them with markers in the Olympic colours.

Then we had to choose fruit to go with each colour.  Blue was easy - blueberries.  Red would have been great for strawberries, but we had to go with apple chunks. For yellow, we used bananas. Green was green grapes.  Black was the trickiest one - I couldn't come up with any ideas (any suggestions?).  So we went with purple grapes.

The kids filled each of the rings with the correct colour (colour-matching and fine-motor skills!).
After we admired the beautiful Olympic rings, we got out some Yoplait yogurt for dipping, and had ourselves a great Olympic snack!

Our favourite Yoplait brands like Yoplait Source® and Yoplait Minigo® are ready to cheer on Team Canada! Yoplait is also a big supporter of the Canadian Olympic team, and wants to help you cheer on Team Canada at the Olympics!  Enter here for a chance to win this great prize pack ($100 value).
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: I am part of the Yoplait Canadian Pride Campaign with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own


  1. Fun idea! So excited about the Olympics over here, too! One of my favourite sports to watch still has to be figure skating. We went to stars on ice when I was little and I loved it, and I still enjoy watching the amazing moves they can pull off!

    1. I still love figure skating, although in a house with 5 boys, I don't get to watch it as often as I used to!

  2. I've never fully understood it, but I love cheering for Canada!

  3. Replies
    1. We love bobsled too. It's amazing how hard they work to shave hundredths of a second off their time!!

  4. Great ideal...Excellent for preschoolers

  5. What a great snack idea! I love watching the downhill skiing - although it can stress me out too :)

  6. I love watching ice skating and skiing the most.

  7. You have a nice blog there...

    1. Thanks, Amrit!! :) And thanks for stopping by!

  8. I love watching speed skating. That is very fun to watch. Thanks for the reminder! It's just around the corner!

  9. One of my favourites is figure skating.
    Maybe raisins for black?

  10. My favourite sport to watch is curling.

  11. Go Team Canada. Figures skating and hockey have always kept my attention.. now it's curling since watching while in Vegreville, Alberta. I have an Alberta address now if I am fortunate enough to win this prize package. Go Canada, EH?

  12. We love anything over here - but I prefer speed skating, curling, and bobsled. Janice

  13. I love to watch the Figure Skating

  14. I like to watch downhill skiing.

  15. I really love watching most winter sports. My favourite to watch as a family is hockey though.

  16. I love to watch figure skating by far!

  17. Hockey.

  18. My favourite Olympic Sport to watch is downhill skiing.

  19. I get a rush when I watch the bobsleds. On the edge of chaos

  20. I love to watch figure skating!
    (Tammy Dalley)

  21. hands down~~~Hockey!!! (Lori Jackson)

  22. Hockey & Curling

  23. Ice skating - probably because I can't do it myself!

  24. I love the Olympics...doesn't matter the sport I'm always glued to the TV. My favourites are ice skating & hockey!

  25. I love to watch figure skating! (Tammy Dalley)

  26. I love watching figure skating!

  27. My favourite Olympic sport to watch is bobsledding and figure skating...its a tie between both!

  28. I love watching figure skating!!

  29. My favourite is the figure skating

  30. Downhill skiing is my favourite sport. Tim said his is bobsledding.

  31. Figure Skating

  32. Hockey would be my favourite, but i do enjoy them all
