Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Family Film Night with Netflix #StreamTeam

We don't have cable. Or satellite. Crazy, right?!  But I've never seen the benefit in paying $50+ dollars a month for something that we shouldn't be watching so much anyways (and even with those hundreds of channels, there's usually nothing good on!).  So when Netflix started in Canada, we were so thrilled to be a part of it. $8 a month for movies, TV shows, and no commercials!

We have worked our way through some great classic shows like Mad About You, and some newer ones like Prison Break and 24. I have also enjoyed re-living my highschool days by watching the never-ending drama of Dawson's Creek.

And our favourite thing to do on Saturday evenings is make some homemade popcorn, and set our supper up in front of the TV for a Netflix Family Film Night. 
In case you're not familiar with this ridiculously easy, healthy and cheap way to do microwave popcorn, here's the steps:
  1. Open a paper bag and stand it up on the counter.
  2. Pour 1/3 c of popcorn kernels into the bag
  3. Fold the top of the bag over twice so the popcorn doesn't start jumping out
  4. Place bag (standing up) in the microwave  
  5. Set the microwave for about 3 minutes.  (Different microwaves have different strengths.  I stopped at 2:30 and found that it wasn't quite long enough)  but careful you don't burn your it!  Open the door when there are only 1-2 pops a second.
  6. Pour into a bowl, and sprinkle with your topping of choice - we love coconut oil and sea salt!

Because of their great selection of family movies, we don't necessarily have to watch something for kids-only.  There are so many great movies that the whole family can enjoy.

For our most recent Film Night, we chose the movie The Croods, starring Nicholas Cage, set in caveman times.  The kids found it quite funny, and we still quote that hilarious little pet "belt," saying Dun dun DAH!

There is some great new content in the works from DreamWorks & Netflix: King Julien, Puss in Boots, and Veggie Tales - the boys are thrilled about the upcoming programming!

We're also very excited about some new episodes from the first season of Turbo FAST, available on April 4.

I'm looking forward to the next season of House of Cards, and have also really enjoyed Downton Abbey. What have you been watching on Netflix?

Disclosure: I am a member of the Netflix Canada #StreamTeam and receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. Any opinions expressed in this post are my own. 


  1. Netflix is aweseome! So worth the £5 a month.

  2. we are in the same boat with tv, i love your ideas!

  3. I still need to see the croods! Thanks for the great ideas!

  4. There is nothing like watching a great movie in the comfort of your own home with family and popcorn!

    Michelle F.

  5. you know what i have had netflix on my laptop and telly for months now , started to watch breaking bad then the hubby got sky installled and i forgot about it, my kids seem to enjoy watching it before bed though and its definately worth gettign for them x

  6. I started watching that one too - it was fun!
