Monday, February 6, 2012

Chocolatey-Peanut Butter Cheerio Treats

Every year when the free-movie pass cereals come out, I just have to buy a few boxes - pay for breakfast, get a night out for free!  Who can resist?  However, this year for some silly reason, the Cheerios I usually like to buy, the Apple Cinnamon and the Honey Nut, have the free Child movie passes while the Chocolate-flavoured Cheerios have the adult pass.  How does that make any sense?? 
Do people actually eat these for breakfast??
 Anyhow, I saw these tasty little treats on Pinterest last week and thought of them immediately when I came home with my Chocolate-flavoured Cheerios. 
Ooey Gooey Chocolaty Peanut Buttery Goodness
They're ridiculously easy to make, though you'll want to make sure that you don't have anything else going on (like children waking up from naps etc) because once you combine the corn syrup/sugar/vanilla/peanutbutter mixture with the cheerios, it hardens up pretty quickly - I had to put the last quarter of the mixture into a bread pan and cut them into squares, but the squares tasted just as good as the other treats!  (I should mention, they were the first treat to disappear from the table last night at our anti-Super Bowl girls party last night!)

I realized as soon as I first tried my first treat that the gooey mixture is the same that my best friend's mom used to make 'bird seed squares' when we were growing up, and I'd like to make those next time!  She used Rice Krispies, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds, and they were so tasty!  Any other ideas of what you could add to the mixture?


  1. I'm sorry I missed these at the anti-superbowl party.... book club perhaps?

  2. when does the free movie passes come out...never have noticed them before

    1. Hi! They just came out recently here in Canada on the bigger boxes of Cheerios.

  3. Can you post the recipe?

    1. Hi there! I linked the recipe in the post above, but here's the link in plain text for you:
