Sunday, March 17, 2013

Getting a Reluctant Napper into Bed

This isn't a long or complicated post, but I thought that I'd share anyways, just in case it might help someone else get their little person into the crib for a nap!  My little guy is now 25 months.  He still sleeps in a crib - we're happy about that, he doesn't seem to mind, and he's only climbed out once so far (and landed on his head, which caused him to conclude that climbing out is dangerous and maybe not a good idea - ok with me!).  So he stays in the crib for now.
However.  Nap times have been getting a bit more challenging - there are just too many fun things to do in the world outside of his bedroom - why would he willingly waste a few hours there sleeping?!  He has, though, been enjoying helping me to build tents out of large sheets and dining room chairs - so one day, I thought, why not make his crib into a tent?!  *Disclaimer:  my son is over two years old likes to sleep with his stuffed sheep on his face, so I have no concerns about a sheet suffocating him.  If you are not comfortable with this, don't do it for your child!*
I am happy to say that it worked like a charm.  No only does it get him into his bed willingly, it also keeps him there longer, because the tent makes the room a bit darker for him (he sleeps longer!), and it is so fun to wake up in a tent - so he plays in it after waking up, instead of just crying!  Win-Win-Win!!
See?  Happy to be going down for a nap!


  1. So cute! Our boys would have loved it!

  2. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, within reason of couse Thank you for linking this post up at homemaker monday.
