Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Meatless Monday: Attempt 2: Chickpea & Spinach Burgers

Wow- it's been a while. Sorry about that!  Many things going on, I hadn't realized that it had been so long since I had posted last!
Last Monday, I chose a recipe that I had made once before - Spinach Chickpea Burgers.  Chickpeas are inexpensive and versatile, and the weather was perfect for a BBQ. The recipe that I started with didn't include spinach (or veg of any sort), but I had a ton of it in my garden and it's a great way to get more greens into my son's belly!  The result is a very green burger that, to be honest, doesn't look as good as it tastes.  But let me tell you - it tastes fantastic!  It's moist and fresh, and everyone from the 33 year old to the 9 month old approved!
I started with this recipe here - and then, of course, I adapted it to my tastes, because for some reason I am unable to follow a recipe the way that it's written.  So here's my take on these burgers:

Spinach Chickpea Burgers

1 carrot (medium size grated)
2 cups fresh spinach, rinsed & dried
1 garlic clove
1 (19 ounce) can chickpeas

1 teaspoon thyme
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 1/2 teaspoons ground coriander

1 handful of fresh cilantro, or 1 1/2 tablespoons cilantro paste
salt & pepper
1 large egg
2 tablespoons plain flour

{oil for brushing burgers}

Drain & rinse chickpeas, then empty into food processor.  Pulse several times to get the peas to a paste consistency, then add the rest of the ingredients {except for the oil} and pulse several more times to blend all ingredients together.  I attended to my 9 month old who just woke up at the time, so my ingredients got very blended and we ended up with very green burgers.  They still tasted great, so don't worry about over doing it - it won't affect the taste.

Cut 6-8 ~6" squares out of wax or parchment paper - I usually just rip a 6-7" strip off of the wax paper roll, then cut it in half, lather, rinse, repeat.  Using a large spoon, scoop some of your burger mixture into your hand and form a ball (about a 3" diameter), then place it on a square of the wax paper and with your hand, flatten it to about 1-1 1/2" thick, and place your burger on a cookie sheet.  Once you've use up all of your mixture, place your cookie sheet in the freezer for at least 10 minutes to firm up and make grilling easier.  Before cooking, brush top with oil (I use unflavoured coconut oil), flip over back onto the wax paper, and brush the bottom with oil as well.  
These burgers can be cooked easily in a clamshell grill or on the BBQ.  In an electric grill, heat on med-high, and cook for ~5-6 min.  On the BBQ, preheat on med, place on top rack, and cook for ~18 min, turning halfway .  
Serve with tzaziki sauce, tomatoes, tahini, & pickles.  


  1. Mmm..I'll have to try these. I'm not a fan of chickpeas on their own, but I love hummus, and falafel, and roasted chickpeas. I also love sneaking veggies into things!

    1. So I tried these on the weekend. We called them "Hummus Burgers" which made them sound more appealing to everyone since they know what hummus is. They turned out great - slightly crumbly, but that's because I added extra stuff (more carrots, some bread crumbs, onion). We'll definitely be making these again - nice to be able to feed a whole family of 6 with just one can!

    2. That's great! Eric didn't mind too much a supper without meat? :)
