Saturday, August 31, 2013

Getting Your Kids to eat Healthy Muffins

I had heard a great tip one day when I was at a workshop  on healthy eating.  It was simple enough - kids will eat anything shaped like a donut.  If you want them to eat some really healthy muffins that they might otherwise not eat, bake it in a donut tin and call it a donut!  (Now we really don't have that problem here of convincing our boys to eat - they will eat anything!)
Since then, I've kept an eye out at Value Village and garage sales.  I've found this large tin and this mini-donut tin for about $3 each.
This morning, I made a basic carrot muffin recipe with lots of whole wheat flour, and not much sugar.  I filled the large donut tray and they baked wonderfully!

They look wonderful on their own, but for fun I made a simple glaze with icing sugar to put on top.  You could also use this great 2-ingredient chocolate icing with very little sugar.

The kids loved having "donuts" for dessert, and I felt great because they were really healthy.  (And it even worked for my husband - he didn't mind them either).

Let us know if you try this with any other recipes, or if you have any other hints about helping your kids eat healthy!

For more muffin recipes, head over here!


  1. What a great idea! I haven't had any luck, yet, finding cheap or used doughnut tins - keeping my eye out, though!!

    1. I've actually passed up a few recently - I can grab some for you if I see any.
