Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Double Chocolate Brownie Cookies

Hey!  This is our 100th post!  Happy 100 to us!  :) 
This weekend, I'm heading off to a friend's cottage with 5 other girls from work, and I'm super excited for a) a weekend at a cottage and b) a weekend off from being mommy!  However, heading out to a cottage for a weekend with 6 ladies means that we need to make sure that food (read: chocolate) is in no short supply.  Thus, I turned to my Pinterest board "Things to Bake" yesterday, and was inspired by this recipe:  Fudgy Brownie Cookies
My cookies did not turn out nearly as tall as the ones pictured on her site - I thought perhaps that was because with the first batch, I neglected to refrigerate them for 2 hours (seriously!  Who wants to wait TWO HOURS to start baking cookies?) so I stuck the remains of the batter in the freezer for 30 min to allow it to get nice and firm, but the second batch turned out the same height; no matter: they taste heavenly.  They really are as chewy as fudgy brownies disguised as cookies, even the day after.  I can attest to this, I'm eating one as I write. 
Besides messing with the refrigeration time called for in the instructions, I actually didn't mess with any ingredients in this one - mostly because it's centred around a boxed brownie mix that already had the sugar in it - so I'll send you directly to the recipe site for this one.  I got 30 cookies out of this one (shhhh, don't tell my husband that there were that many!!), and the recipe says that the yield should only be 20, so perhaps my cookies weren't tall because I didn't use nearly enough dough in each scoop - no matter, they still taste absolutely delicious!

Also.... I don't typically purchase brownie mixes or use them in my baking, but I've seen so many delicious looking pinterest recipes that call for the use of them, so I have to admit that I bought a couple when they were on sale the other week....

1 comment:

  1. They were scrumptious. I can't believe I didn't realize they were available for consumption until you were packing to go... There wouldn't have been any left for you to take home. ;)
