Friday, July 13, 2012

'Edible' Finger Paint Made with Kool-Aid

First off, I put the quotation marks around the word Edible mostly because while it is non-toxic, it doesn't taste very good, so it's not really meant for consumption, unlike finger painting with jello pudding cups.  This is, however, without a doubt the best smelling finger paint that you'll ever come across!
My little H-man and I were looking for something to occupy ourselves with while we waited for his daddy to come home for supper, so this seemed like the perfect activity (especially since it was bath night!).

I looked at a LOT of different recipes, and based mine off of the one found here at Baby Makes Two.  I found that a lot of the recipes called for cornstarch - I liked the fact that this one was a flour-based recipe, as flour is a much cheaper commodity and is present in our house in bulk, most of the time.
The original recipe that she has says that it would take about 5 minutes for the 'paint' to thicken, but I found that it took closer to 15 minutes.  I also cut the recipe in half, as I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out - and, as it turns out, I think that a half recipe is the way to go - you still get a LOT of paint out of one batch!
I also had several packages of Kool-Aid in the cupboard from a previous thought to make some play-dough with them, and since play dough is still a little advanced for my H and I'm not babysitting right now, I thought, what a great thing to use to colour the paint with!
The Kool-Aid made the paint smell soooo good, and worked so nicely for really bright colours!  I made an "H" out of tape on his 'canvas' before he started painting
Once the paint has dried, the coulours are certainly a little less vibrant, but it's still fun! Voila - my son's first piece of 'art'!  :) 
Recipe - Thanks to  Baby Makes Two, with some Modifications

1/2 Cup Flour

1 cup Water

Several Packages of different flavours of Kool-Aid


Mix water and flour over low/medium heat. Stir for about 15 minutes, or until you have a thick mixture. Separate into containers and stir in Kool-aid. Let cool, paint away!  Left-overs can be put into containers with tight lids and kept in the fridge for quite some time.


  1. This worked great with two three year olds! Occupied for half an hour with it!
