Friday, September 14, 2012

Wedding Invitation Ornament

MR - I don't know where I first saw a pin using a wedding invitation to make an ornament, but the idea stuck in my head - it was so cute!.  We were going to my brother-in-law's wedding, and had bought them a gift card.  It's always nice, though, to give an actual present.  So I took the invitation, cut the text into small strips, and curled each piece on a pencil.  I also used a bit of the red cardstock that was with the invitation, as well as just a piece of the black.  Add a bow at the top and that's it!  2 minutes to make! 

It's kind of fun to shake it up and see what parts of the words you can read - names, location, time, etc.   I imagine you could add a bit of glitter inside too, but I was a bit pressed for time.

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