Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wall Mounted Felt Build-A-Snowman

My little guy is almost 21 months old, and he almost certainly has no memory of the first winter and a half that he experienced.  Thus, I am trying to introduce to him the idea that the whole world outside is going to transform (hopefully!) soon into a snow covered playground! 

In the past week, we've watched episodes of Bob the Builder, Pingu, Sesame Street, and Diego that have featured snow - and the Dollarama certainly has gone full tilt into the winter and Christmas season - so H is starting to point these things out to me.  "[s]'now!  'now man!  More?  More 'now man, mommy?  Please?  More 'now?"  I've seen the felt wall Christmas tree idea floating around Pinterest, and I certainly intend on making that in a week or two, but as I was going through my bag of felt today, I thought, "Why not make a snowman building board for H to play with until the real snow arrives?!"
I had a lot of felt in my possession from my brief days as the materials coordinator for our Children's Ministries at our church, but most of what I had was green, brown, blue, and white - so I stopped by Micheal's to get a little more variety in colour.  When contemplating which colours I would want to use for both the snowman and the Christmas tree, it somehow slipped my mind to grab orange for the carrot nose.  Duh.  So our snowman is currently nose-less. 
What you'll need:
  • 1 large piece of felt to use as the background felt board - I suggest not white, or you won't be able to see your snowman!  (The size I used was roughly 80cm x 100cm)
  • 3 sheets of white felt (I feel that there's a standard size that craft stores sell?  Micheal's has them on for 3 for $1 right now)
  • 1 sheet of black felt for hat, buttons, coal, etc.
  • 1 sheet of brown felt for arms
  • A few sheets of coloured felt of your choice for mittens, scarves, other fun dress up clothes for your snowman!
  • A circular template for your snowballs (I used the lunch size Corel plate)
  • A few thumb tacks to secure the felt board to the wall
This is not a craft that needs to be precisely measured.  It's not a puzzle, things don't have to fit together perfectly - and if you have a Little like mine, the snowman will end up looking like this most of the time, anyways!
 Having said that, the only shape I used a template for was the snowballs.  I'm sure that you could do a google search for the rest of your shapes, but I say, just go for it!  The real thing outside is hardly perfect anyhow!  
(H is absolutely THRILLED with his 'now man!  Pardon this picture quality, but I thought that this captured his joy quite nicely...)

1 comment:

  1. What a fun idea! How did you mount the background on the wall? Does he try to pull it off?
