Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Cork Painting

Cork Painting - an easy fall / autumn / thanksgiving craft for preschoolers
Inspired by Formula Mom Mariah's Fall Tree Cork Painting Craft, when Hendrik asked to do some painting this morning, we set about making a fall tree with corks and paint.

I'm not the best artist, and the trickiest part was finding a simple drawing of a leafless tree.  I found a great printable over at Crayon Box Chronicles - funny enough, Heather was also making a fall tree with cork painting, but she makes a MUCH more awesome tree trunk. Go check it out.

This was a quick & easy craft, and it took about as much time to complete as H's attention span lasted. Win-win.
Cork Painting - an easy fall / autumn / thanksgiving craft for preschoolers
The idea is pretty simple.  I usually tape his paper to the table so that it doesn't move around and get paint everywhere. I put out three fall colours for him to use, in separate bowls - red, yellow, & orange. We had a little lesson in colours, as we didn't have any orange paint and had to mix the red & yellow together. Put one cork in each bowl, and let your little one have at it.  Hendrik's tree looks like it's heading towards the end of Autumn - those leaves are definitely falling off of that tree! :)

1 comment:

  1. Love it. The corks are the perfect shape and size for their little hands!
