Tuesday, October 1, 2013

10 Things to Do With Ripe Bananas

I love it when I get bananas on reduced to clear!  We go through bananas so quickly that I never have old ones in the freezer.  One grocery store near us often has a giant bag of ripe bananas for $.99!  I usually buy all that they have, and I get to make all my favourite banana recipes!  Check out some of them here! 

Classic Banana Bread frugalanticsrecipes.com #banana

Easy Light Banana Pudding Recipe
Or my absolute favourite Pinterest find, Banana Ice Cream - it is low in fat, no added sugar, but tastes just like ice cream!
You can also slice them and dehydrate them if you have a dehydrator.  I do a ton of these, and they taste like a gummy candy.  We all love them. They're a great treat to send in school lunches.
Finally, you can also just freeze them - either whole in their skins, or chop them (this is nice for quick additions to smoothies)


  1. Well, it simply looks delicious!That said, you seem to be a far better cook then me!

  2. Aw, thanks! And thanks for stopping by!

  3. Yum I love bananas! I just did a delicious post on bananas.

  4. I tried the "ice cream" and now I'm looking at the GF banana oat cookies. At my grocery store I look to see if there are loose bananas and then just ask the person in produce if I can make a $.99 bag. Many of them are perfect for eating but I've been finding them every time lately. I can't resist the great deal, but need some inspiration for using them in new ways. Thanks!
