Monday, January 20, 2014

Challenge Update

We're two weeks into the 30-Day Fitness Challenge now.  How's it going, people? I love hearing feedback from people who are doing it with us.
I'm confessing here, that I really don't like planks.  At all.  I've kind of given up on them.  I shouldn't, but I just can't do it.  Unless anyone has any tips for me on how to make it easier, but I think that I'm giving up on the planks.

The rest seems to be going well. I do best on days that I start out with 15 pushups or so and a few glasses of water before breakfast.  Then I don't feel like I'm scrambling throughout the day to get everything else in.

If you're interested in the challenge, head to the original post for a printout of the pushups, crunches, planks, squats, and water-drinking.  Please just jump right in!

If you're not doing the challenge, how are your New Years' Resolutions going?  Keep us posted- we love to hear about your progress!


  1. My muscles don't seem to be as sore as they were the first few days. That's good, right?

  2. Mine was to be more active. I'm already doing really well with that!

  3. Have you tried doing elbow planks instead of full planks? I don't mind planks, but I really dislike pushups, so I guess we're opposite for those. :) I have been working out lots as I am doing a couple of other challenges as well. Definitely feeling good, and feel it when I fall off the wagon (which has happened a couple of times, but I keep getting back on and at it). And I'm the same with doing some exercise, drinking water, and eating a fruit and a veggie right away in the morning.

    1. I have actually been doing the elbow planks, and still no luck. That's a good idea to do the fruit and veggie first thing too. I should add that to my routine!

  4. My resolution was to create small, manageable habits that instill a sense of success. I am not exercising for more than 15 minutes at a time unless I REALLY want to. Next month, I will increase it to 20. I want to learn to enjoy it and love the success rather than feel like it's a chore and quit too soon.

    1. That's a really manageable goal! I love it. Because, really, you can do anything for 15 minutes! Thanks for sharing!

  5. arrggh. For some reason my first post disappeared!!
    Planks can be difficult, especially when you're new to core work. Don't be too discouraged. There are lots of other exercises you can substitute for planks. I haven't set any resolutions yet (I gave those up about 4 years ago). But I am praying about what areas of my life need more focused attention.

    1. I suppose I shouldn't give up entirely, should I. Thanks for the encouragement, and good luck with your goals!

  6. i am not part of this challenge. but my new years resolution, i am still trying to keep up with them.

    1. Good luck with your goals, Amar! Thanks for stopping by!
