Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How to Save Money by Cutting Your Boys' Hair!

The further we get into the new year, we hear more and more about people's financial goals and resolutions.  I'd love to share another tip with you that we have been doing for a number of years.  We don't pay for haircuts.  Not for our boys, not for my husband.  For myself, I get a trim every 6 months or so, but other than that, we don't spend money on hair.

I got a set of clippers about 4 years ago, as we were expecting our 4th boy. Children in general, can get expensive, and if boys need haircuts every couple of months, it will add up quickly.  So we decided to try it ourselves.  I watched a few videos on technique, but for our young boys, they really don't care about a well-tailored haircut.  They just want it done.  And in less than 10 minutes, it is.  Some  people are intimidated by clippers, but I find them to be just as easy as scissors, if not easier.
We finally cut off the baby curls. So grown up!

We just choose a setting (not too short, unless it's summer and the boys want a really short cut).  Then we just run the clippers through the hair, until it's all the same length. I don't worry too much about tapering or anything fancy like that. It goes quickly, and it looks great.  I figure that once the boys get to be 10 or 12 and really care about haircuts, we can start to pay for them then.  Even my husband prefers a simple cut with clippers and does most of it himself.

The savings add up pretty quickly if you start to do the math.

  • 5 boys/men in our house  x 6 haircuts a year  =30 cuts in total per year.
  • Multiply that by the 4 years we've been doing this, and we're at about 120 haircuts. 
  • I'm not even sure of the pricing of cuts these days, but if you average about $10 per haircut, that is $1200 in savings over these past years.
If you're unsure, Google some tutorials, or head over to YouTube for some great inspiration. And start with the longest clipper setting, until you're comfortable. 

Good luck!


  1. Great idea, Marya! We do the same with our son. I actually do my own and my daughters' hair myself now, too. (Not with the clippers.) Youtube can be a very helpful resource that way. :)

    1. You do your own? I should look into that. It's not like I have a fancy hairstyle or anything - just a trim. Thanks for the idea, Erin!

  2. I have always done my boys myself too! Way cheaper, and I always say that that way I keep the "crazy" in my own house. ;) However, my 5 year old is pretty good about it now. The 2 year old, not so much. ;)

    1. It's hard to get them to stay still for it...but sometimes it's easier than using scissors - the clippers go much faster!

    2. Definitely! Love the clippers! I'm on my second pair.

    3. I'm actually looking for some new ones now too. After 4 years, these have lost their effectiveness!

  3. What a great tip for mums. Actually my husband cuts his hair with clippers, he has a short hair style. I tidy the back sometimes. It is true once you've done it one, it becomes easier.

    1. It does get easier! Thanks for stopping by, Liliana!

  4. This sounds like a great plan!
    My Dad wont let my Mum cut his :P

    1. Ha! I'm actually surprised that my husband lets me do his. He does most of it himself, though! :)

  5. Marya,
    I cut my boys' hair and also my husband's, and now and then I'll trim up my daughter's, too. We save lots of money this way!

    1. Much better than paying for it!! Keep it up! :)
