Thursday, January 23, 2014

Pepperoni Pizza Quiche

What to make for Dinner? Pepperoni Pizza Quiche. Best Quiche Ever. Quick Meal inspiration.
I decided far too late yesterday that I wanted to eat pizza for dinner. Two problems with this: 1) I couldn't make pizza dough & have dinner on the table within 1.5 hours; 2) We're trying to eat fewer wheat products, and a pizza crust doesn't mesh with that goal.

But, one day a few months ago, I bought a very large bag of pepperoni (I'm talking 5lbs of pepperoni, at least!) on clearance in the grocery store for $5. And I'm trying to make use of it in suppers.

One of my go-to recipes for forever is quiche - I've made really good ones and really unsatisfying ones, but I had never made a pizza quiche, and I had a suspicion that it might be really good.

I now stand corrected. Pizza Quiche is ah-mazing. Even worthy of bold AND underlining. And for those of you out there who don't like the taste of eggs and therefore typically steer away from quiche, I would challenge you to make this and tell me you don't like it. Seriously. (I'm looking at you, sister!)

I took the recipe from Pots & Pins and didn't alter it a single bit (well, I did add 1/2 green pepper). Except for the cooking time. In my oven, here in Southern Ontario, I found that it needed 55-60 minutes to bake. Which is unfortunate, since we were on a limited timeframe last night (post-dinner swimming lessons!), so the kids had toast & cheese instead of this delicious quiche.

Go. Make. Enjoy. It's pretty much the best quiche that you'll make in your own kitchen. (Although if it's not, and you have a better one, I would love you to share that with me!!)


  1. Hi!!! Thanks so much for 1. liking my recipe enough to make it and 2. blogging about it! I had forgotten about this so thanks for the reminder, too! I just might have to make it for breakfast on Super Bowl Sunday...GO SEAHAWKS!! Thanks again - and I'm so glad to have your blog to put in my reader! xo, Nan

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Nan! And thanks again for your great recipe - I've bookmarked your page & will be checking your others out! :) Cheers!
