Monday, February 10, 2014

A Month of Less: My Dresser

If you're like me, your dresser and closet are always overflowing.  No matter how much you can organize or separate or get rid of things, there's always a mess.  I'm not exactly sure why that happens.  I decided to tackle my dresser today. 

I didn't have time to do a big sort and organize, so I just went through and found items that I no longer wear, and made two big piles - one to donate, and one to throw out.  Some of those Christmas socks have been around for a LONG time and had some pretty big holes in them.

It's now a little easier to close the drawers, and when I have a chance, I'll tidy and organize a little bit.  It really helps, though, to get rid of the stuff that I no longer wear. 

I guess I really need to tackle my closet as well, but it kind of terrifies me.  So much stuff....

And then there's the kids' clothes.  All four of them.  And this month only has 28 days!!!  Guess I'd better get to work!

1 comment:

  1. One of my dressor drawers I just throw papers in and cringe when it is the end of the month and I have to clear it. I should really find a better system so I don't have to do that. The underwear drawer for me is the worst. It gets a go over every now and than but over all it stays bad.
