Monday, February 3, 2014

A Month of Less: Simplify and DeClutter

I always enjoy a challenge to keep me on track for things (fitness challenges, water-drinking challenges).  And so about a year and a half ago, I discovered a great blog, with her challenge to de-clutter and simplify her life, one day at a time. It was a great inspiration to see her task for the day, see her before and after, then challenge myself to do the same thing.  I decluttered the kitchen, the closets, my clothes, the kids toys, and much more.  It was great timing, because we went to put our house on the market a few months later, and it was a great head-start for the packing process.
Unfortunately, since she also had another blog on the go, and several little ones, she couldn't keep up with this challenge for the entire year, but I still referred back to her blog every now and then for some inspiration.  I wasn't quite as extreme as she was (she and her husband got dredlocks so they wouln't have to fuss about their hair/haircuts) but the overall idea was a good one. I like what she says on her blog, "We are doing one small thing (almost) every day for a year to create a simpler, quieter, more intentional life."
So I thought that I might go with that theme for a month (that's much more do-able for me than a year!).  A Month of Less.  30 days to simplify and declutter.  Since I'm also quite busy with little ones and work, I'm only going to pick 5 tasks a week, rather than 7, giving me a few days to catch up if I need to.

Some of the areas I'll be tackling are
  • Purse
  • clothes
  • kitchen
  • toys
  • paperwork
  • digital (photos/emails)
  • maybe I'll tackle some closets...
If you have any other ideas, please suggest them.  I'll try to share my progress and some before and after pictures (if I dare...).  I'd love to have people join me in this challenge. It feels so great to be getting organized, heading into the spring and summer months.

Head over here for the first task: Simplify Your Purse!!


  1. This sounds like what I need to do. I just did some spring cleaning for Chinese New Year, I think I need to move on to my purse, computer etc now...

    1. Good luck! It's one of those things that seems like a lot of work, but is so worth it! :)

  2. I love de-cluttering because it makes you feel like you are caught-up on life. It gives you a more peaceful atmosphere in the home.

    1. It really gives you a good feeling, doesn't it!!

  3. Never thought about tackling things month at a time.. that's a good idea.. Good Luck!

    1. Thanks! It definitely helps having a closer end date! :)

  4. Sounds good Marya! I will follow your progress as well, and see what I get to as I'm going away Thurs-Mon, and then I start work on Feb 18.

    1. You're going away so soon!! Enjoy, and then back to reality afterward! Good luck! :)
