Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Garden Theme Birthday Cake

This year, we were flying back from Florida on Hendrik's birthday - so his party got delayed a few weeks. A February party turned into a March party and, since Hendrik is so excited to plant the garden with me in the spring, I settled on a gardening party (not to be confused with a garden party!).

I took my pinspiration from Amy over at Mason Moments, but did the veggies my own way - I didn't have time to be so fidgety with two little ones running around! This cake is incredibly easy for those of us not skilled at fancy cake decorating with icing, fondant, and the like. It takes a wee bit of time (the longest task is pressing all the pretzels into the icing, and that is certainly not a skilled task!!), but not a lot of effort - and, if I do say so myself, the end result is pretty darn impressive!

What You Need
I used the Gluten Free Chocolate Cake recipe from our blog over here, though you could use a boxed cake mix or any other scratch cake. I baked 2/3 of the batter in a 9x13, then the rest in a round cake pan, since we had 16+ people to serve and I wanted to ensure that we had enough cake to go around. You don't need to use chocolate cake, but I think that it helps contribute to the whole dirt thing. :)

Chocolate frosting: you want to have enough to cover the cake with a luxurious amount of icing - you're going to be using the icing on the sides of the cake to hold up the pretzel sticks, and you'll be pushing the candies into the icing on top.

Oreo Cookie Crumbs for the soil on the top of the cake (I used about 1/2 cup)

Candy for the vegetables - I paid a quick visit to the Bulk Barn for this and scoured out candies that could represent veggies. Gourmet orange jelly beans became the carrots, green jelly beans became the zucchini, light green jelly beans became peppers, Swedish Berries became red peppers, and strawberry Runts became strawberry plants and lime Runts became lettuce. I used pretzel sticks for the trellis for the peas (which I just used icing for)

Toothpicks, dyed green with food colouring for holding the red & green 'peppers'

Pretzel Sticks for the picket fence around the garden (and for the pea trellis)

KitKat bars for edging the strawberry & zucchini gardens

Very green icing in a piping bag (I used a disposable plastic one with no tip, just a very tiny hole cut in the end) for adding greenery to your garden and fence.

What You Need to Do
 1. Bake your cake in a rectangular pan.
2. Turn cooled cake onto flat surface for decorating (I bought a cake board for $3 at the Bulk Barn)
3. Ice cake with generous amounts of chocolate frosting.
4. Cover top of cake with Oreo crumbs.
5. Line edges with Pretzel sticks (I left opening at front of garden).
6. Lay out your candy vegetables.
7. Add greenery to veg with your green icing in piping bag.
8. Add greenery to the fence here and there. Make sure that your piping bag only has a very tiny hole in it, the icing will curl and loop more as you squeeze it out and look more vine-ish.
9. Add sign for garden, if desired.
10. Show off to your friends and social networks, bask in the much-deserved compliments.
For a very easy extra 'garden' cake, I iced the round cake with the leftover green icing, decorated the sides with gummy butterflies, and stuck a bunch of fake flowers into the top.


  1. I love Hendrik' s Garden! This is absolutely original. I hope he had a great party! Thank you for sharing with us at the MaMade Blog Hop!

    1. Thanks so much, Debbie! He had a fantastic party. He's still excited about it 4 days later! :)

  2. I personally don't think the vegetables make it look appetizing but thanks for sharing anyways! I prefer the castle/town cakes, so you can pretend you are Godzilla when you are eating them. :D

    1. Ah, well, each to his own! Thanks for stopping by, Timothy!

  3. What a great fun idea. I love the creativity, plus the connection to planting soon will bring a smile to his face. Great post!

    1. Thanks so much, Lynn! It was a really fun one to make!

  4. What a fun and creative idea. Great post.

    1. Thanks! I can't take credit for the idea, but it sure was fun to run with! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. OMG This is soooo cute. The detail is amazing! Well done!

    Stopping by from the MaMade Blog Hop.

    1. Glad you like it - and thanks so much for sharing it on twitter!! :)

  6. yummy and beautiful! totally amazing! Pinned :)

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks, Sarah! Again, I can't take credit for the idea, but it was so much fun to make!!

  8. "...for those of us not skilled at fancy cake decorating..." Not skilled? you don't give yourself enough credit! You did an outstanding job. It reminds me of when I first started decorating cakes; I needed practice so I used some leftover green icing (from a St Pat's cake) and thought I would give a few Wilton tips a go. I came across the rose tips and thought why not? Well, I made them & they didn't look anything like roses; but, if you stretched your mind really far they almost resembled little cabbage heads. I should have made a garden cake. Thanks for the memories!

    1. You flatter me, Charlene! But seriously - that's how easy this cake is - I really AM NOT skilled at it - you just can't go wrong with this cake! :)
      Hah, that's a great story - sometimes I'm partial to cabbages over roses myself, anyways, at least for eating! ;)

  9. How cool is this! I absolutely love that you thought of making a garden cake. Personally I've never decorated a cake this intricate before but this is so creative I'm going to have to give it a try. Love it! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Lauren, I hope that you DO give it a try - because it seriously is sooooo easy!! Have fun!

  10. Quite right - bask in the much deserved compliments! This is lovely. I'm just kicking myself for not having thought of this last October. It was my sister in law's 50th and she loves gardening, has an allotment as part of a co-operative, this would have been the perfect cake for her. Maybe I just make her 51st birthday special too with a fancy cake.

  11. what very creative ideas! :-) Checking these out from wine'd down wedneday :-)
