Wednesday, March 12, 2014

GF Churros with GF Bisquick #LMDConnector

10 years ago this semester, I was studying in Oxford, England, on an exchange program. 10 years ago this week, I was on 'reading' break in Alicante, Spain. It was wonderful and amazing. We did a great many things there, like climb palm trees and walk along the Costa Blanca for 6 hours, but one of my favourite things that we did was go out for Churros & Drinking Chocolate. Drinking Chocolate is not hot chocolate - it's real chocolate, melted, and thinned slightly so that it's liquid enough to drink. And you dip the warm, crisp, deep fried churros into the drinking chocolate.
Hush. Climbing palm trees is hard work.
I haven't had churros since that day, but this morning I came across a quick & easy recipe for churros made with Bisquick mix! I happened to have the last half of a box of GF Bisquick in the cupboard from our trip to the Finger Lakes in August, so I thought I might as well give it a go and see if the Gluten Free mix works with this recipe! I understand that Gluten Free Bisquick is now available in Canada as well (hip-hip, hooray!), but I haven't seen it appear on the shelves of my grocery store, yet.
I don't normally deep fry things - in fact, this is the first time that I did it on the stove at all (I could hear my mom's voice of concern in my head about oil on the stove the whole time!) - but there's something about a blizzard on the 12th of March after 2 days of 10C weather that just begs for comfort food. So here we go.
Gluten Free Churros with Drinking Chocolate
Adapted from Betty Crocker

  • Oil for frying (I use peanut or sunflower oil)
  • 2 oz of semi-sweet chocolate
  • 3/4 cup cream
  • 1 1/4 cup GF Bisquick Mix
  • 1 tsp white sugar
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 2 Tbsp white sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  1. Heat ~2" of oil in pot until it reaches 375F.
  2. Mix together 2 Tbsp sugar & 1 tsp cinnamon; set aside.
  3. On a double broiler (I use a steel bowl on top of a pot that has 2" water on the bottom), melt chocolate & cream together. Whisk until lumps are gone, and keep warm until churros are ready.
  4. Combine Bisquick mix, remaining sugar, & hot water. Mix until soft dough forms. 
  5. Fit a pastry bag with 1/4" star tip & scoop dough into bag with a spoon.
  6. Pipe 5" strips of dough into the oil, cutting end of strip at star tip with kitchen scissor. Cook about 2 minutes, turning over frequently, and remove when light golden brown. Drain on paper towel, then coat immediately with cinnamon & sugar mixture. Repeat process until remaining dough is finished.
  7. Pour drinking chocolate into espresso cups or shot glasses; serve with warm churros. 
Looking for other delicious recipes to use your Bisquick mix with? Hop on over to Life Made Delicious: They have some AMAZING and super simple recipes to use it in!
Disclosure: I am a part of the Life Made Delicious Blogger Program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.


  1. This sounds utterly amazing. As soon as I can find the GF Bisquick, I will need to try this!

  2. Looks delicious! I didn't know they made GF bisquick!

    1. Thanks, Diane! Yep - GF Bisquick has been around in the states for a while, but it's finally just arriving in Canada. I always used to stock up in the states. :)

  3. Replies
    1. Aren't they, Sophie?! And totally addicting. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. these looks awesome ) what I can replace the GF bisquick with ?

  5. Thanks, Denise! You can replace GF Bisquick with regular Bisquick, but cut the amount of water about in half.
