Saturday, August 17, 2013

Roasted Cauliflower

MR - I have never liked cauliflower - ever since I was really young.  I just remember the mushy texture and the odd taste.  My dad would always mash it into my potatoes so I wouldn't have to taste it, but it didn't help much.  So I have avoided it for much of my adult life.  But then there was this post going around about roasted cauliflower and everyone said it was amazing!  I usually read over most of the comments before I try something, and these were all very positive.  So I tried it...
 ...and it was really good!  There was none of that mushy texture to it.  They were roasted and crispy.  The olive oil and salt gave it a really nice flavour.  I enjoyed it, and our boys loved it too.  I know that cauliflower is really healthy, so I'll finally be able to eat it!
Head over to Simple2Something for the recipe!

Note:  You can also try it with broccoli instead - delicious!!


  1. I make it like this all the time!! Love it!

  2. hmmm... I wonder what I did wrong?! I have made this before and it was not crispy but limp and not yummy. If it yours was delicious, I guess I will have to try it again!

    1. Huh- that's too bad. I'd make sure that it is hot enough, and then long enough. Good luck!
