Saturday, October 5, 2013

Chunky Crockpot Applesauce

With the start of the cooler weather and the busier season, I have been using my crockpot several times a week. I love the convenience of making things ahead of time and coming home to a warm meal. I also love smelling the food throughout the day.

This applesauce is so easy, and a great way to let the kids "help."

Wash, core and chop 6-8 apples into bite-sized chunks.  You can peel them at this point, but I prefer leaving them on to get the most nutrients out of them.  Put them into the crockpot and sprinkle with about 1 tsp. of cinnamon.  Cook on low for several hours, until apples are tender.

It really tastes best warm, but is great cold too.  If you'd like to add a bit of honey or a sprinkle of sugar you could, but we love it just like this. Mmm.....


  1. That looks great! I added it to my Pinterest.

  2. This is a fabulous idea. Thank you for sharing it. I am going to make it tomorrow.

  3. Thanks for sharing. Applesauce is one of my favorites. As a kid I use to eat applesauce and bread together. I would make sandwiches out of it. BTW, I like your recipe.

    1. Sounds like an interesting sandwich! Thanks for coming by our blog!

  4. That sure looks delicious!!! I think Crock pot cooking is great and so convenient, especially if you have kids. It can save you so much time. Visiting from UBC have a great day. :-)

    1. So true about saving time - love it! Thanks for stopping by!

    2. Suddenly, I feel like applesauce:-) Thanks for this tip. I'm always looking for ways to use my crockpot more.
