Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Cheap Cracker Barrel Cheese - Wal-Mart, Canada

 Hello, friends!  This isn't the type of post that we've typically posted on this site, but I really wanted to share the deal that I just got today!  A friend of mine on facebook posted it on Saturday, I tried it out today, and it works just fine!

The deal: 400-500g Cracker Barrel Cheese - 2 for $5.84 at Wal-Mart - that's only $2.92/each!!

How to make this happen:  Sobey's weekly flyer for Jan. 31 - Feb. 6, 2012 has 400-500g Cracker Barrel Cheese on sale Buy 1 Get 1 Free - they, of course, charge up to 8.99 for their cheese, so this actually makes their cheese somewhat affordable.  However, as many of you know, Wal-Mart price matches - and they have their Cracker Barren Cheese on for $5.84.  I was a little skeptical of whether this would actually work, since there wasn't technically a 'price' - it was just a 'deal'.  But.  I stocked my cart full of cheese and went to check out with my Sobey's flyer in hand and said that I'd like to price match the cheese - and it worked!
You'd think that 12 blocks of cheese would last a really long time, but in our house, we go through cheese pretty quickly.  I'm already thinking that I should have picked up some more....  perhaps I'll keep the Sobey's flyer on the counter for another few days, just in case!!

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